三星Galaxy S8 vs Galaxy S9:值得升级吗?
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The Galaxy S9 and S9+ , and there’s a lot to take in. They seem to be mostly incremental updates over their predecessors, so the question on a lot of people’s minds: is it worth upgrading if you already have the S8?

Galaxy S9和S9 + 上市,而且还有很多需要接受的东西。它们似乎比以前的版本更具增量更新,因此,在很多人的心中是一个问题:如果您已经拥有S8,是否值得升级?

设计更多相同,但更好 (The Design Is More of the Same, But Better)

You know the old saying—if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Well that’s exactly what’s going on here. If you just look at the S9, it’s hard telling it apart from the S8. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, because the S8 was easily the best-looking Samsung device to date when it was released. It was a forward-thinking design for the company, especially with the transition away from that awful (and terribly outdated) home button.

您知道这句老话-如果它还没有破裂,请不要解决。 嗯,这就是这里正在发生的事情。 如果只看S9,很难说出它与S8的区别。 这不一定是一件坏事,因为S8很容易成为迄今为止发布时外观最好的三星设备。 对于公司而言,这是一种具有前瞻性的设计,尤其是在从可怕的(而且非常过时的)主页按钮过渡之后。

The S9 is about refining what the S8 started. Since the S8 was such a dramatic departure from Samsung’s normal design, there were a few quirks that needed to be worked out—like the fingerprint sensor placement. It was previously built into the home button, so to move forward with a cleaner design, Samsung moved it to the back.

S9是关于完善S8的内容。 由于S8与三星的常规设计大相径庭,因此需要解决一些怪癖,例如指纹传感器的放置。 它以前内置在主屏幕按钮中,因此为了更简洁的设计向前移动,三星将其向后移动。

The Galaxy S8’s stupid fingerprint scanner placement.
Galaxy S8的愚蠢指纹扫描仪位置。

The problem, however, is that the S8’s fingerprint sensor is right beside the camera. That’s honestly a terrible place for a fingerprint reader. It’s harder to find and you end up rubbing your finger all over the camera trying to hit the sensor. So with the S9, Samsung moved the sensor to below the camera, in a place where it actually makes sense.

但是,问题在于S8的指纹传感器就在相机旁边 。 老实说,这对于指纹读取器来说是一个可怕的地方。 很难找到它,最终您会在整个相机上摩擦手指以试图触碰传感器。 因此,使用S9,三星将传感器移到了相机下方,并在实际可行的位置上。

Other than that, things are mostly the same. The display sizes on both the standard and plus devices remain the same (5.8 inches and 6.2 inches, respectively), as does the display resolution across both devices (2960×1440). The Super AMOLED display is unsurprisingly used in the S9 as well.

除此之外,事情基本相同。 标准设备和plus设备上的显示尺寸都保持不变(分别为5.8英寸和6.2英寸),两个设备上的显示分辨率也一样(2960×1440)。 毫无疑问,S9也使用了Super AMOLED显示屏。

规格只讲故事的一部分 (Specs Only Tell Part of the Story)

At the risk of repeating ourselves, . They matter, yes, but they don’t often make or break a phone—especially at the flagship level.

冒着重复自我的风险,目前, 。 是的,它们很重要,但是它们并不经常拨打或断开电话,尤其是在旗舰级别。

The S9 is an incremental upgrade from the S8 in this regard. The processor is just a step up from from last year—a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 in the S8 vs a Snapdragon 845 in the S9. Is the 845 better on paper? Yes. Is it tangibly better in daily use? Who knows.

在这方面,S9是S8的增量升级。 该处理器仅比去年提高了一个步骤-S8中的Qualcomm Snapdragon 835与S9中的Snapdragon 845。 845在纸面上更好吗? 是。 它在日常使用中明显更好吗? 谁知道。

The RAM situation has changed a little bit—while the S9 sticks with the “traditional” 4GB of RAM, the S9+ gets the bump to 6GB. Your phone will have more RAM than your computer did just a few years ago. It’s insane, and pretty awesome.

RAM的情况已经发生了一些变化-S9坚持使用“传统” 4GB RAM,而S9 +则达到了6GB。 您的手机将比几年前拥有更多的RAM。 太疯狂了,真棒。

Waterproofing, wireless charging, SD card slot, and the like are all also along for the ride here. It has all the bells and whistles of the S8—including a headphone jack. That’s apparently a big deal these days.

防水,无线充电,SD卡插槽等也同样适用于此。 它具有S8的所有功能,包括耳机插Kong。 这些天显然很重要。

真实的作品被放入相机 (The Real Work Was Put Into the Camera)

If you watch the Galaxy S9 launch video, you’ll notice one thing: it’s all about the camera. Why? Because that’s what defines smartphones now.

如果您观看Galaxy S9的启动视频,您会注意到一件事:全部与相机有关。 为什么? 因为这就是现在定义智能手机的原因。

Back in the day, it was all about how much storage you could pack into one device or what clock speed the processor was. Now, it’s the camera. If a phone doesn’t have a killer camera, then it’s dead in the water.

过去,一切都取决于您可以在一个设备中包装多少存储空间或处理器的时钟速度。 现在,是相机。 如果手机没有杀手级摄像头,那么它就死在水中。

So it’s no surprise that Samsung really focuses on the camera for both the S9 and S9+, which kind of have different cameras. Samsung took Apple’s lead on this go, leaving the smaller S9 with just one camera, and stacking the S9+ with dual rear shooters.

因此,三星真正专注于S9和S9 +的相机也就不足为奇了,因为S9和S9 +的相机有所不同。 三星在这方面领先苹果,仅将较小的S9留给一个摄像头,然后将S9 +与双后射手堆叠在一起。

But it’s not just about how many cameras each phone has, because the main camera packs a unique feature with dual aperture lenses. Basically, this means that the camera features two apertures: f/1.5 and f/2.4. The former is for better low-light performance, while the latter is for basically everything else.

但这不只是每个手机有多少个摄像头,因为主摄像头具有双光圈镜头的独特功能。 基本上,这意味着相机具有两个光圈:f / 1.5和f / 2.4。 前者用于更好的微光性能,而后者基本上用于其他所有功能。

Using the Auto setting, the camera decides which aperture is appropriate and switches automatically. If the ambient lighting is below 100 lux, it switches to the f/1.5 aperture. If lighting is brighter than that, it uses the default f/2.4 aperture.

相机使用自动设定来决定合适的光圈并自动切换。 如果环境照明低于100 lux,它将切换到f / 1.5光圈。 如果照明比此明亮,则使用默认的f / 2.4光圈。

For the camera savvy among you, however, you’ll be able to use the camera software’s Pro setting to manually control essentially every aspect of the camera—including the shooting aperture.


This new dual aperture feature is found on both the S9’s default camera and the S9+’s wide camera.

S9的默认相机和S9 +的广角相机都具有这项新的双光圈功能。

But the camera goodies don’t stop with excellent pictures. Work has also been done on the video options, especially when it comes to slow-motion. The Galaxy S9 can shoot slow motion videos at an unprecedented 960 frames per second, which makes for an incredibly impressive slow motion capture. There are, of course, caveats. It can only capture this rate at 720p, and is limited to 20 shots per video. But really, that’s all probably okay—it’s unlikely you’re going to shoot full slo-mo movies on your phone, anyway.

但是,相机的优点并不仅限于出色的图片。 视频选项也已完成工作,特别是在慢动作方面。 Galaxy S9可以以前所未有的960帧/秒的速度拍摄慢动作视频,从而获得令人难以置信的令人印象深刻的慢动作捕捉。 当然,有一些警告。 它只能以720p的速率捕获此速率,并且每个视频最多只能拍摄20张照片。 但是,实际上,这可能没问题-无论如何,您不太可能在手机上拍摄完整的慢动作电影。

Oh, you can also set these slow motion movies as your lockscreen wallpaper. It’s hard to say what that will do for battery life, but you have to admit it’s kind of cool.

哦,您还可以将这些慢动作电影设置为锁屏墙纸。 很难说这将对电池寿命产生什么影响,但是您必须承认这很酷。

以增强现实前进 (Moving Forward with Augmented Reality)

Going along with that camera is augmented reality—or AR for short. AR is one of the cooler features to come out in the last several years, and one of the more useful tools we’ll have at our disposal moving forward.

与该相机配合使用的是增强现实技术,简称AR。 AR是最近几年推出的更酷的功能之一,并且是我们将来可以使用的更有用的工具之一。

As useful as we think it will be one day, Samsung is touting the S9’s AR capabilities with one major feature: AR Emoji. Yeah, emoji that look like you. All this capability and untapped potential, but it’s all about being able to express yourself with a cartoon face that looks more like yours than a regular emoji.

正如我们认为将是一天的有用一样,三星正在吹嘘S9的AR功能具有一项主要功能:AR Emoji。 是的,看起来像您的表情符号。 所有这些功能和未开发的潜力,但这全在于能够用一张看起来像您的卡通面Kong而不是普通表情符号的卡通表情来表达自己。

As cynical as that sounds, though, we get it. Animoji are stupid-popular on the iPhone X, so Samsung wanted to do something to compete.

听起来有些愤世嫉俗,但我们明白了。 Animoji在iPhone X上很受欢迎,因此三星想做些竞争。

But it’s (hopefully) not all about AR Emoji. Samsung’s mostly-laughed-at-but-maybe-sometimes-used-by-someone digital assistant, Bixby, is also tapping into some AR benefits. It will be able to automatically translate text from other languages, much like Google Translate. It also identifies objects and offer suggestions, much like Google Lens. But hey—good artists copy, great artists steal…right?

但这并不是(全部)关于AR Emoji。 三星的数字助理Bixby大多被嘲笑,但有时却被某人使用,它也正在利用AR的一些好处。 它将能够自动翻译其他语言的文本,就像Google翻译一样。 它还像Google Lens一样识别对象并提供建议。 但是,嘿,好艺术家抄袭,好艺术家偷……对吗?

那么,如果您有S8,应该买一个吗? (So, Should You Buy One If You Have An S8?)

That’s the question we’re aiming to answer, and as always it’s a tough one to tackle.


By most standards, I’d say no. If you have an S8, you already have 90 percent of what makes the S9 good. However, if that new camera seems like something you can’t live without, who are we to tell you otherwise? No one, that’s who.

按照大多数标准衡量,我会说不 。 如果您拥有S8,那么您已经拥有使S9出色的90%。 但是,如果新相机看起来像是您无法没有的东西,我们该告诉谁呢? 没有人,那是谁。

The other group who might want to upgrade from the S8 are people who simply wish they’d gotten the bigger phone. If you’re an S8 users who longs for the extra real estate provided by the S8+, then by all means—get rid of that S8 and go for the S9+. Honestly, if you’re considering buying an S9 at all, we’d recommend going with the S9+ anyway.

另一组可能希望从S8升级的人只是希望获得更大的手机。 如果您是S8用户,并且渴望获得S8 +提供的额外房地产,那么无论如何,请摆脱该S8,然后再购买S9 +。 老实说,如果您考虑购买S9,建议您还是选择S9 +。

But for everyone else, we don’t think it’s worth the upgrade. The S8 already has an excellent camera—one of the best you’ll find on smartphones today—and that’s the real selling point of the S9. So if you don’t absolutely need a better camera, then you’re good.

但是对于其他所有人,我们认为升级不值得。 S8已经拥有出色的相机,这是当今智能手机上最好的相机之一,而这正是S9的真正卖点。 因此,如果您绝对不需要更好的相机,那就太好了。

The real question is how many of the S9’s features will make their way to the S8. Unfortunately, Samsung has been extremely quiet on that front, which is unsurprising since they want people to buy the newest phones. But if the past is any indication, some of those features will trickle down.

真正的问题是,有多少S9功能会进入S8。 不幸的是,三星在这方面一直非常安静,这并不奇怪,因为他们希望人们购买最新的手机。 但是,如果过去有任何迹象,这些功能中的某些功能将逐渐泛滥。

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